Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Late to the BSG Party, but I Brought the Frakking Beer

My roommate told me she was addicted to BSG a couple of years ago and I heard the people at work gush about it, but it was on the SciFi (now ScyFy) channel and I don't get cable. I disregarded the show, that was until it became available on Netflix instant streaming. Ok, fine. I'll add it.

Oh FRAK! The show was so addicting that I lost sleep for weeks trying to get through the 4 seasons. I finished right around Christmas and it made me a little sad for it. The writing, the acting, the storyline in general was so great! One by one other friends started to watch it around the same time, so there was a gaggle of newb BSG fans and hilarity ensued.

General Premise
The humans created cylons (androids who think for themselves) and the cylons rebelled. They leave for 40 years and come back (and they have a plan) to destroy the humans. "This has happened before and it will happen again."

I bought the entire show on Blu-Ray with Christmas gift cards (thank you consultants).

Currently I am rewatching it and falling head over bum in love with the show, the characters (whispers: Helo), and wondering when our cylons will come.

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