Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Things I'm Geeking Out Over

Geeking out: "freaking out over something that could be considered nerdy/geeky and knowing it."
                             - Urban Dictionary

Don't use Urban Dictionary for looking this up. Basically they're little notepads that you can jot stuff down in and glue them into a SMASH book. I currently am still deciding on what kind of SMASH book to get, but that won't stop me from jotting things down in the meanwhile.

This blog is FABULOUS in every way I can think of. The art inspires me to create, something! It may be brilliant or it could be garbage, but it's creating something that's utterly fantastic. Check out the Alice in Wonderland post, love, love, LOVE the art work done by Michael Kutsche. The detail, the colors, the brillance and texture of the subjects. I'll save it for another post.

The Parisol Protectorate Series
I've been reading quite a lot thanks to my friend Jules and her enabling ways (she too loves the used book stores and comic book stores). I picked up the second book of the series Changeless and became enamoured with it, but found that I was missing key elements. Figured out I was reading Book 2 in a series so I set off to the local bookstore and found that I would have to go to Borders if I wanted to read Book 1 Soulless.

Here I am carrying these books with me everywhere I go. Oh Gail, what have you done to me? Read her bio if you get a chance it's amusing.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, Part 2
Dear friends, this is where we come to the end of our journey with dear old Harry Potter. I'm going to the midnight showing (hopefully near my apt) with the roommate. I'm trying to hold back the squees I have within me, but sometimes they just eek out.

I'm excited, saddened, gleeful and morose all over the fact that this is the last Harry Potter movie. Harry's story will be finished and that's that. I do hope people dress up even if I won't be.