Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Stink Bugs: A Love Story

My entire trip to D.C. was to go to McBossy's wedding in Pennsylvania on Saturday. I didn't expect to learn so much.

Was my flight in to Dulles (did you know it's in Virginia? Yeah, I didn't.) and Special K came to pick me up. There was a trip to Whole Foods for foodstuff and general hanging out. I love low key events because they require so little of me.

KP came to D.C. to hang out with me (YAY!) We went downtown in hopes to go hang out at the Lincoln Memorial. (Did you know there are no close parking lots to the Lincoln Memorial? Yeah, me neither.) So we drove around the mall, went into VA by accident and then found a parking lot to troll around the area.

We went to the International Spy Museum and it was pretty awesome (despite what some hipster co-worker says). I learned a lot, of which I cannot tell you because my name is Jane Meyer and I'm a 13 year-old from Sweetwater, TN. I'm a student going to Dublin, Ireland on vacation for 7 days.

There was food, fro-yo, an inappropriate statue, and duck fighting. See the pictures below.

Why is there a naked man in the Boy Scouts statue? Why?

So Hank and Justin fought over Britney. Hank chased Justin around and around the pool while Britney just swam around without a care in the world. The other couple just tried to not get in the middle.
The best was spending the day with an old friend.

Getting up early sucks, but that was the theme for most of this trip, thanks mostly in part to my shitty travel agent (Ms. F is so fired.) We drove to the salon for Special K to get her hair did and meet up with McBossy and the rest of the bridesmaids. I finally got a face to most of the names McBossy would talk about, most of them looked like I imagined.

Then off to PA to get this wedding started. I ended up hanging out with Special K's Sissy most of the wedding which was nice. I like people who are easy to talk to and doesn't make me think of what they're trying to say or whether they mean what they say.

In PA I meet this.
The Stink Bug
The Stink Bugs were everywhere, you can actually hear them before you see them and then there they are flying into your cleavage or hair or ear or any part of your body. These are not intelligent bugs, but they are true to their name, to do stink when they are scared or killed.

As the woman said, "they don't eat much." Plus, I didn't want to swat the bugs during the ceremony, she was really into it.
McBossy comes down the aisle and there's a Stink Bug inside one of the layers of her dress, however, you don't stop the wedding for a Stink Bug. During the ceremony Stink Bugs descended upon the wedding party and in particular boinked McBossy right in the middle of her forehead. Ahhh good times.

Good times. There were a few tears, speeches, dancing, good food, cake on the face, and Stink Bugs.

Stink Bugs, you can't stop a good time.

1 comment:

  1. The stink bugs are EVERYWHERE. I find them in my house, on my car, on my daughter at the park. So gross.

    Looks like you had a great time though!
