Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Help Me, Not Hate You So Much

From http://www.worldwidehippies.com/?p=1342

Everyone that knows me, knows I have a distaste for the hipster. After reading a couple of articles about what hipsters are and why it seems the world hates them I came to a conclusion. I can no longer hate on the hipster, hating the hipster places me one step closer to the thing I despise and that will not happen, not on my watch.

There is no clear cut definition of what a hipster is, some say a groupie of the latest trend (hence the name), others say people who long to go back to a simpler times (record players, Buddy Holly glasses, grandpa sweaters, listening to NPR on the radio and such), there are others still who say they are searching for their own niche while combining other genres (skinny jeans, v neck shirts, PBR drinking, layers of scarves, Bieber hair, steam punk items, antiques obtained from raiding grandpa's closet), yet all agree they hate things passionately and they always know where the "IT" place or are telling others where they should go to eat, drink, watch a play, etc. and in general display snobbery of things deemed uncool.

From http://41hebrewcat.wordpress.com/2010/06/20/hipsters-in-the-mist/

Another article called "Geeks Versus Hipsters" talks about the two groups and they wrapped up saying that hating hipsters is like reverting back to high school. Oooo burn! That stung. Yes, sometimes it takes someone (sometimes a stranger writing an article) for me to be enlightened.

However, there are times when those smug faces telling me where I should be eating, what I should be doing just makes me snap and I want to scream, "THAT OUTFIT LOOKS RIDICULOUS ON YOU AND YOU'RE NOT THAT INTERESTING!" It's like when vegans scold you for eating a hamburger by passive aggressively telling you how much fat and cholesterol is in it and what cattle farming is doing to the environment. Yeah, I get it, but I don't eat it every day so back off ahole. I digress.

There are so many articles about hating hipsters, but hating them just makes us sound like one and that is counterproductive. So I'm shelving my future book "Hipsters Are a Sign of the Apocalypse" and stepping down from my high horse of Hipster hating.

This does not excuse skinny pants, v neck shirts on men, Bieber haircuts OR wearing glasses that are non-prescription (that's just stupid). Cut me some slack, change takes time.

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