Sunday, October 2, 2011

What's Going On My World

I'm trying to catch up on what's going on in the world a little at a time. Let's face it, it's rather large and there are lots of activities.

However, in a space that's closer to me and a country I call home, America is changing. I believe it's because we as a people, society, culture are changing. Change never happens suddenly nor does it always happen smoothly or peacefully. Sometimes it happens in starts and stops, imagine if you will being on a bus in a major city. How the bus swerves and jerks, that's how change feels sometimes. That's what my country is going through.

I feel this is a good thing. Change is good. Change shows growth and adaption. There are some that like things the way they were, some don't. In the end a compromise will need to be made on everyone's part to ensure the continuity of this society. It won't be easy and it definitely won't be quick, though right now I feel we can make it through together.

To anyone who's reading this, I may not always agree with you, I may not always follow you, hell, I may not always like you. However, you're in this ride with me and I'll try to do my best not to hit you. Hey! That's all I can promise this late at night.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sleeping Soap Operas

The past two nights I've had some very vivid dreams and I wonder if it has to do with the past couple of days: moving and my cat Pompey dying.

Last night I dreamed I was in a doctor's office (I think) and they were finding there were dead snakes inside me. Gross and disturbing. Looked it up and it has to do with grief and changes. Ok makes sense.

The night before I was walking down this hallway backstage in a theater. I was dressed in a formal gown and I looked damn good. Walking with me was Nikki Sixx and he was dressed in a black suit and he was a younger version of himself. I was holding onto his arm walking very solemly. I knew I was married to a famous rock star whose name and face never appeared in the dream. However, I knew he was cheating on me with a blonde woman. None of our friends would confirm with me my suspicions even though I knew it. While walking down this hallway leaving this formal place I started crying that I had married such a shit of a person that would do this to me.

Nikki comforted me as I was crying and I thought why didn't I marry someone like him instead, so stupid. He said to me, "don't let them see it broke you. They're looking for it, they need to see it broke you, don't give it to them."

What did I learn? I think I may have a thing for bad boys.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Inspiration Strikes

Best story idea this month is when I imagined what would happen if DD and my friend CAR's daughter were the same age and became friends.

It's gold is what that is. Based on actual events, but enough will be changed to be fictionalized, when I'm done I'll post. I'm calling it the League of Extraordinarily Twisted Gentlepeople and Others (LETGO).

Monday, August 8, 2011


For a long time I've struggled with the concept of who writers were. Are we talking people whose sole occupation is writing for a living? Someone who enjoys writing? Do you need to be published to be a writer? Does consistency of time spent play a factor? Should you have a degree in literature or creative writing?

I have written a screenplay, over two dozen short stories, over a hundred poems (a phase I've since morphed out of as it was all angst filled, teenage emotions), 100+ blog posts and several attempts at a novel. None of them published, though my writing teachers seemed to like what I wrote (not that I paid them or anything of the sort). Does that make me a writer?

All this effort to define something I knew. Yes, I am a writer. I write to release emotions, demons, fantasies, or scenarios that keep playing out in my head. I write to answer a question that bothers me to follow it to the answer. I write because that's what writers do.

I may never get published, but if the only reason for me to write is to be published then I better do something utterly horrendous or fantastic to get there. Either way, I'm ok right here...for now.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Things I'm Geeking Out Over

Geeking out: "freaking out over something that could be considered nerdy/geeky and knowing it."
                             - Urban Dictionary

Don't use Urban Dictionary for looking this up. Basically they're little notepads that you can jot stuff down in and glue them into a SMASH book. I currently am still deciding on what kind of SMASH book to get, but that won't stop me from jotting things down in the meanwhile.

This blog is FABULOUS in every way I can think of. The art inspires me to create, something! It may be brilliant or it could be garbage, but it's creating something that's utterly fantastic. Check out the Alice in Wonderland post, love, love, LOVE the art work done by Michael Kutsche. The detail, the colors, the brillance and texture of the subjects. I'll save it for another post.

The Parisol Protectorate Series
I've been reading quite a lot thanks to my friend Jules and her enabling ways (she too loves the used book stores and comic book stores). I picked up the second book of the series Changeless and became enamoured with it, but found that I was missing key elements. Figured out I was reading Book 2 in a series so I set off to the local bookstore and found that I would have to go to Borders if I wanted to read Book 1 Soulless.

Here I am carrying these books with me everywhere I go. Oh Gail, what have you done to me? Read her bio if you get a chance it's amusing.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, Part 2
Dear friends, this is where we come to the end of our journey with dear old Harry Potter. I'm going to the midnight showing (hopefully near my apt) with the roommate. I'm trying to hold back the squees I have within me, but sometimes they just eek out.

I'm excited, saddened, gleeful and morose all over the fact that this is the last Harry Potter movie. Harry's story will be finished and that's that. I do hope people dress up even if I won't be.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Right Here

I was perusing through my Facebook newsfeed when an old roommate's picture appeared and she looked so happy. Not sure what happened, but I started reminiscing quickly about the good times we've had in the past, how talented of an artist she is and I felt happier.

The feeling is almost inexpressable, other than being content. Right there, in that moment, I was happy to know every single wonderful person I know. That with every nuance of who they are, they are exactly who I like. A new thought entered and it was about how ten years ago life was chaotic emotionally for me, even five years ago.

While I may not have the job I would like, live in a posh apartment with a great view or being in a spectacular relationship with the perfect man...I'm good. I'm good, right here.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Seis de Mayo

There are holidays I don't celebrate...let's face it because I don't understand what the fuss is over. Here I compiled you a list:
  • Valentine's Day
  • St. Patrick's Day
  • Lent (only when non-believers participate)
  • Cinco de Mayo
Recently a bunch of non-Mexican folks (I'm thinking even the ones who want to deport "them illegals" back to Mexico) and some Mexican folks celebrated Cinco de Mayo. The day when mass consumption of tacos, tequilas and margaritas is considered appropriate. I call that Tuesday.

I just want people to explain to me how these three (I realize Lent is important to believers) days are more than glorified days to drink.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

George Gray

I have studied many times
The marble which was chiseled for me --
A boat with a furled sail at rest in a harbor.
In truth it pictures not my destination
But my life.
For love was offered me and I shrank from its disillusionment;
Sorrow knocked at my door, but I was afraid;
Ambition called to me, but I dreaded the chances.
Yet all the while I hungered for meaning in my life.
And now I know that we must lift the sail
And catch the winds of destiny
Wherever they drive the boat.
To put meaning in one's life may end in madness,
But life without meaning is the torture
Of restlessness and vague desire --
It is a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid.

by Edgar Lee Masters

I read this poem in an email and loved it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Not Now

Today would be one of those days when I sell out the human race to invading aliens. It's best to leave me alone right now.

This means that every idiot within a 3,000 mile radius will want to reach me. Good luck.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Self-Imposed Exile

Have you ever just taken a couple of days or weeks and just shut the outside world out?

Practically everyone I know is a social butterfly despite my best efforts to not be one, that seems to only draw them near. So when I feel overloaded by humanity, especially right before season changes, I find myself cancelling any plans that I made to stay at home and just be with me.

This appears weird to some people and very anti-social. Believe me, during week 2 when I was more than happy to spend a weekend at home I questioned whether depression was a factor. I googled, I'm not depressed, in fact I was blissfully happy.

Nothing dramatic happened to me, people didn't piss me off or upset me, and when people tried to engage me in an argument I just shrugged it off and stopped the conversation with, "I have to go, it was great talking to you, but I'm hanging up now. Bye!" in a very pleasant tone.

All good things must come to an end and spending all this solo time can become addicting for me.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How to Get Rid of Those Pesky 10 Inches

Go to your nearby salon and get them chopped off and donated to make a wig for kids with cancer.

Office Stalking

Working in a cube farm sometimes has its advantages, like witnessing people's behaviors are great fodder for a blog.

In the last twenty minutes I've watched the same person walk back and forth peeking into an office with the door shut or no one there.

Here's a hint for more effective time management if you're a office stalker. Check their calendar to see if there's an opening, send an IM to check availability, or send a meeting invite.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String

Growing up I listened to this odd collection of music (thanks mom and dad) of Motown on 8-track and Country, 50s music and musicals on reel-to-reel or record. To say my musical preferences are eclectic would be an understatement. Am I music guru, no. I know what I like and I could care less if everyone agrees with me or not.

Listening to Adele's new album 21 and it sounds like a cross of what my parents would separately listen to. Old country was like Rhythm & Blues in the aspect that there was soul to the music. You heard the wail of the singer and emotion they were conveying you felt with every note. I know that's why I enjoy her music so much, plus it reminds me of sitting outside on a summer day with a whiskey and honey on the rocks.

Monday, February 21, 2011

New Addiction

I have a new addiction and it comes in the form of a Fantasy/Horror series. The Sabina Kane novels (Red-Headed Stepchild and The Mage in Black) by Jaye Wells paired wells with the Girl Scout cookies I devoured this weekend.

Sabina Kane is a half vampire/half mage (magician) who is an assassin in the first book. I hate spoilers so that's as much as I'm going to give you. These two books I read over a couple of days. Now I'm sitting here waiting for the third book Green-Eyed Demon to be released on Wednesday. Wish it was Tuesday instead of Monday, but I should be off finishing the The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest.

Hope my ninja skills don't kick in and make me want to kick some ass, I'm not in shape for that right now.


I have a bad habit. It has to do with tenses and run-ons. I'm aware of these failings in my writing and with every edit I catch more and change them. Sometimes though, it's just easier to change tenses (past to present and back again) because that's how my mind operates.

So mind the dust as I'm working work on it. Damn people, judging me with your judgey judge eyes. You think I can't hear your thoughts?

P.S. I know you just ate that cookie and you should feel guilty about it because cellulite isn't cute on anyone. How do you like that little piece of judgement.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

You Cruel Little Bitches

These little girls are the ones you hate, but love so dearly because they bring something more sacred dessert. Yes, I'm talking about the Girl Scouts and their delectable cookies.

They are so delicious and I am starting to believe these little drug dealers have actual narcotics in them. Everyone salivates at the thought of a Thin Mint, Samoa, Do-Si-Do, Trefoil, etc. Only those with fortified will power can resist the urge to tackle the little demons who bring the treats of desire, just for

I bought 5 boxes (stop judging me, I'm sharing) and have started to offer them up to people at work while secretly praying that they are all on their perpetual diets.

If you see me with chocolate on my face and cookie crumbs on my chest, please be kind and just look away.

Who let the Sugar Free cookie get in?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hoe vs. LaCrosse Sticks

 Bwahahahahahaha!  We're not dealing with the Mensa folks here. Here's the article in the Frederick News Post.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Late to the BSG Party, but I Brought the Frakking Beer

My roommate told me she was addicted to BSG a couple of years ago and I heard the people at work gush about it, but it was on the SciFi (now ScyFy) channel and I don't get cable. I disregarded the show, that was until it became available on Netflix instant streaming. Ok, fine. I'll add it.

Oh FRAK! The show was so addicting that I lost sleep for weeks trying to get through the 4 seasons. I finished right around Christmas and it made me a little sad for it. The writing, the acting, the storyline in general was so great! One by one other friends started to watch it around the same time, so there was a gaggle of newb BSG fans and hilarity ensued.

General Premise
The humans created cylons (androids who think for themselves) and the cylons rebelled. They leave for 40 years and come back (and they have a plan) to destroy the humans. "This has happened before and it will happen again."

I bought the entire show on Blu-Ray with Christmas gift cards (thank you consultants).

Currently I am rewatching it and falling head over bum in love with the show, the characters (whispers: Helo), and wondering when our cylons will come.

Monday, February 14, 2011

If it's the Thought That Counts

Sal Masekela posed an excellent question on Twitter today.

"If it's the "thought" that counts, then why do women turn their noses up at the lustrous cubic zirconium?"

I thought about this question, because what is the actual thought behind buying cubic zirconium jewelry? Was cost a factor? Is the person not able to purchase, but really wanted to buy their beloved something that resembles what they wanted to buy them? What stage of the relationship are we talking about here? Or are we talking about the cheap skate?

Now I know women who prefer CZ to real diamonds due to the fact that diamond workers are exploited and their social consciousness cannot handle contributing to that. Cool! In this case, CZ is perfect and to the man buying it for her, kudos.

The worst though, is the cheap basturd who is trying to pull a fast one and get a woman a CZ piece of jewelry and presenting it as a diamond. These are the men that really need to be dumped, that kind of thinking is dangerous. It would be like a woman who knows her partner is a diehard Chicago Cubs fan and buys him tickets to see the Chicago White Sox.

Same questions would apply, what were they thinking?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What Have You Been Up To?

An innocuous question to most, but it almost felt like a loaded question to me. That if I tell people if I'm good or bad it slates me as an optimist or pessimist. If I've kept busy then I'm leading an interesting life and people like me, if not then I'm a loser.

It could quite possibly be in my head, I haven't dismissed that idea. However, body language makes fools of us all, tells people our dirty little secrets.

What have I been up to? Oh just keeping busy. Maybe I'll tell you sometime over coffee.