The past two nights I've had some very vivid dreams and I wonder if it has to do with the past couple of days: moving and my cat Pompey dying.
Last night I dreamed I was in a doctor's office (I think) and they were finding there were dead snakes inside me. Gross and disturbing. Looked it up and it has to do with grief and changes. Ok makes sense.
The night before I was walking down this hallway backstage in a theater. I was dressed in a formal gown and I looked damn good. Walking with me was Nikki Sixx and he was dressed in a black suit and he was a younger version of himself. I was holding onto his arm walking very solemly. I knew I was married to a famous rock star whose name and face never appeared in the dream. However, I knew he was cheating on me with a blonde woman. None of our friends would confirm with me my suspicions even though I knew it. While walking down this hallway leaving this formal place I started crying that I had married such a shit of a person that would do this to me.
Nikki comforted me as I was crying and I thought why didn't I marry someone like him instead, so stupid. He said to me, "don't let them see it broke you. They're looking for it, they need to see it broke you, don't give it to them."
What did I learn? I think I may have a thing for bad boys.