Sunday, June 3, 2012

Inspiration is everywhere, you just have to open your eyes

For me, inspiration ebbs and flows like the giant lake a couple of blocks away from my apartment.

When it ebbs I feel lonely like the world has found me the most wicked creature to walk the planet and have turned their backs on me. Though when it flows, I am the smartest girl in the universe and no one can find anyone more clever than I.

The internet is proving to be my great and mighty muse. Today, I decided to follow the path from Neil Gaiman's blog to this wonderful comic to this brilliant, inspiring, genius speech Neil Gaiman gave at the University of Arts in Philadelphia.

Make Good Art everyone.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I Can't Believe I Said That

You ever think something that lead to a response you didn't think you were capable of stating to anyone else. Like it's a shameful secret.

A thought popped into my head and I sent a note via gChat to a friend of mine and asked her, "Do you ever wonder if you would be friends with yourself?" After a short exchange of the kind of person I would hang out with I stated, "I can't do ugly."

I know what you're thinking, douche bag! Being honest here after a couple of beats I thought the same thing. Though, I never did define what ugly was. Does that let me off the hook?

Thursday, March 29, 2012

"Dreams are how we figure out where we want to go. Life is how we get there."

- Kermit the Frog
Before You Leap

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Did that really just happen?

I shaved my legs less than an hour ago and I got a chill and now my legs feel like I've done nothing to them.

And yes I do go around feeling up my leg, so do you so back off.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Is it to early to plan my Halloween costume?

Screw it if it is. I'm planning on being a female Malcolm Reynolds for Halloween. Dare I call her Madeline Reynolds? Costume shouldn't be too difficult to create, right? Where's a brown trench coat?

He's so bad ass.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Life of a City Spinster

What do you do when you fall asleep before 7pm and wake up before 5am? Why read and clean of course. I still can't believe I did that.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Who's that Girl?

I've never been into Dungeons & Dragons, though I find the concept intriguing. Spending money on all the tools to play that game and costumes...I can't, well not right now at least. The next activity involves finding your character name and attributes. Hardwick calls it the Character Page.

What's In a Name?
After I hunted it down (I didn't understand how to work the D&D page so I just did a search for "Name Generator" and there it appeared. I launched the generator, answered a few questions and BANG! My name appeared.

I am Lady Pruuvial Falconsflight, I am a half-elf Sorcereress Scribe of noble blood. I better be of noble blood or Pruuvial will just sound ridiculous. This may have been the most fun so far. Pssshhh what wish list?

What You're Made Of
Attributes, this came the stuff people are made of. He listed six to assess yourself on: Intelligence, Charisma, Strength, Wisdom, Will and Confidence.

After much hemming and hawing and deep soul searching for four minutes I came up with the following.

Intelligence - 3
Charisma - 3
Strength - 1
Wisdom - 4
Will - 3
Confidence -2

The book has some examples and such, check it out if you want more info. So that's where I stand as of right now. I need a lot more strength and have ways to go in leveling up.

Next up...Alignment and Weapons your place in this world and how you're armed to face it.